Welfare Plan SPD
Welfare Plan Documents
Eligibility and Enrollment
Retiree Medical Coverage
Self-Pay Premiums
Disability Crediting & Waivers
Member Assistance Program
(Actor's Fund)
Self-Pay Premiums

In addition to the earnings requirements for coverage, to be eligible for Welfare Fund coverage, you are required to submit self-pay premium payments to the Fund Office. The rate for your self-pay depends on the coverage type you have elected (Participant, Participant + 1, or Family). Follow this link for a chart showing the current Self-Pay Premium Chart.

You will receive an invoice from the Fund Office in advance of the first day of each quarterly period. If it is more convenient, please note that you have the option to pay your self-pay premium up front for 6 months, instead of every quarter. You can remit payment to the Fund Office via:

  • Credit card on our website fundoneiatse.com,or by calling (212)247-5225.
  • Check made payable to “The Welfare Fund of Local No. One, I.A.T.S.E. There will be a $15.00 charge for any check returned from the bank.  Post-dated checks not accepted.

Effective July 1, 2024, if the payment is not received by the deadine 07/01/24 your coverage will be terminated, and you will NOT have another opportunity to have coverage during the 07/01/24-12/31/24 coverage period.


Changes to Coverage Elections
There are certain circumstances that may allow you to change your coverage election (Participant, Participant +1, and Family). These include situations where a dependent loses eligibility for other insurance, or you have changes in your immediate family like marriage, divorce, birth or adoption, and death. If you experience such a qualifying change, you must request a change in coverage in writing and provide valid documentation within 60 days of the event. If you do not request the change within the 60-day window, you will have to wait until the next open enrollment to make the change. For additional information, see the “Mid-Year Coverage Changes” section on the Eligibility and Enrollment page, or contact the Fund Office.

Disability Waivers
If you become disabled, you may be eligible to have self-pay payments waived. For more information, please follow the link to the Disability Crediting & Waivers page.

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