Annuity Plan Documents
Summary Plan Description
The Summary Plan Description (also called the SPD) describes the key features of the Annuity Fund benefits program. Please note that the SPD was issued in May of 2019, and any modifications by amendments and clarifications will be included below.
Plan Changes and Clarifications
03/13/2020 hardship COVID-19 30K
03/27/2020 loan def CAREs act
06/15/2020 hardship COVID-19 60K
10/01/2020 hardship COVID-19 100k
03/15/2021 coronavirus-related 40k
06/28/2021 coronavirus-related 65k
08/04/2023 adjustment to required beginning date
10/07/2024 distribution options and catchup
Summary Annual Report: This is the most recent basic financial statement sent to participants of the Annuity Fund.